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Field of Flowers

Quality Standard One

Teachers demonstrate mastery of an pedagogical expertise in the content they teach.

The elementary teacher is an expert in literacy and mathematics and is knowledgeable in all other content that he or she teaches (e.g., science, social studies, arts, physical education, or world languages).
The secondary teacher has knowledge of literacy and mathematics and is an expert in his or her content endorsement area(s).

Standard || Reflection


  • Element A: Teachers provide instruction this is aligned with the Colorado Academic Standards, their District's organized plan of instruction, and the individual needs of their students.









  • Element B: Teachers demonstrate knowledge of the content, central concepts, disciplinary inquiry, appropriate evidence-based instructional practiced and specialized characteristics of the disciplines being taught.







  • Element C: Teachers develop and implement lessons that connect to a variety of content areas/disciplines and emphasize literacy and mathematical practices.

Reasoning Statement: In this data analysis, I was able to see my correlation between Colorado Standards and how students have met them through instruction. Through this process, I was able to see how I can proceed with teaching in a way that will help students who may have not understood the lesson or other reasons.

Reasoning Statement: In this quiz, a classmate and I were able to show our knowledge on pedological practices in the classroom. To know this knowledge helps me be able to teach students in a variety of different ways that best fit their needs.

Reasoning Statement: In a hypothetical scenario, I worked with three teacher candidates from other content areas in order to create a unit based around identity. Through this activity, I was able to see how teachers are able to come together and teach something through different content perspectives. 

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