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Teaching Experience: Boltz Middle School
Semester: Spring 2020
Mentor Teacher: Morgan Griffith
Practicum Instructor: Linda Williams
During my second phase of my education program, I was placed into Mrs. Griffith's 8th grade Pre-AP Language Arts class. During this time, I was doing a mix of observing and hands on experience with the students. When I entered the classroom, Mrs. Griffith was in the Holocaust unit, as most 8th grade language arts teachers were. During this time, she began a whole class novel Night by Elie Wiesel. By incorporating reading and writing, she was able to engage all of the students, even when it was the first thing in the morning. While in her class, I gained a lot of
experience. I was able to see how she incorporated hard to discuss topics in her classroom, while also keeping it age appropriate. Morgan constantly pushed her students to be the best they can be, but was always willing to help them if they needed it. The time I spent in her classroom is something I can never forget. Seeing how smart and willing to learn the students were to learn is something I hope I am able to complete in my classroom. Beyond the culture in Morgan's classroom, the culture in Boltz Middle School shows how much they want their students to succeed. Seeing how the administration knows most of the kids' first names, how they constantly have resources that students can use when needed and care about teacher success in and out of the classroom, makes me want to work in a school that has employers care about me and my students.
While my second phase experience was cut short because of COVID-19, I am so happy I was able to experience Boltz Middle School. Moving on into my third phase, I am wanting to push myself more to work with students and collaborate with my mentor teacher. While I know that I am constantly growing and changing as a future educator, Boltz has given me so much as I continue to move forward.


Honorary Phoenix

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