Quality Standard Four
Teachers reflect on their practice
Standard || Reflection:
Element A: Teachers demonstrate high standards for professional conduct.
Element B: Teachers link professional growth to their professional goals.
Element C: Teachers are able to respond to a complex, dynamic environment.
Element D: Teachers demonstrate leadership in the school, the community, and the teaching profession.
Reasoning Statement: During my 4th and 5th hour classes, I have recieved a variety of letters, both based on apologies of their behavior and calling me a great teacher. Having these types of things in writing also helps students reflect on their behavior, but also know what I expect from them. In a different case, it also shows that students understand that my expectations are still reasonable, and that we can enjoy the classroom as a whole.
Reasoning Statement: During the middle of my student teaching, I did a reflection of how I felt I was doing during my student teaching. During this part, I realized how much I was still developing, and this type of reflection really enforced where I believed my growth could still continue. Based on this reflection, I knew that I wanted to change my goals, or at least add new ones to what I originally had. While I have grown so much during student teaching, I still have a long ways to go.
Reasoning Statement: Within this novel unit, I was able to hit a variety of different learning styles that were suitable for all students in the classroom. Many activities were hands on, and they mixed between doing them together or doing them individually. Hitting all styles of thinking allows students to be able to complete tasks in different ways, but also helps them learn in a way that was helpful to them. In many of these activities, it was a way for them to take notes, and therefore they can remember the book in the way that suits them best.
Reasoning Statement: In our PLC meetings, which are Wednesdays for 7th grade and Thursdays for 8th, we are able to discuss what we as a whole can do to make our students more successful in the class. For each unit, we fill out PLC questions which reflect what we want the outcomes to be, how we want students to learn, and those similar things. We are trying to provide the best for students, and therefore give them a solid foundation.
Standard Four Reflection:
When looking back at my original thoughts of professionalism, my outlook was very small and close minded to be honest. I thought teachers were supposed to be a certain way and look a certain way. However, as I complete my student teaching, I realize that professionalism also connects with vulnerability and the ability to collaborate with others. Beyond being professional with your students, you also have to show different sides of professionalism with staff around the school. When collaborating as a whole school during Professional Development days, staff meetings, or in PLC meetings, every interaction is completely different across the content areas. For me, I thought that was something very shocking to see, but at the same time not as surprising? Since every content area is separated, many only make groups based on what you teach. For students, I realized that I did have to show this human quality, but also balance out this feeling that I am your teacher, and you need to respect me. It was such a surreal moment once I figured out that balance for now. I know that will change each year, and with each group of students, but it was still a next step into actually becoming a teacher.