Quality Standard Two:
Teachers establish a safe, inclusive and respectful learning environment for a diverse population of students.
Standard || Reflection:
Element A: Teachers foster a predictable learning environment characterized by acceptable student behavior and efficient use of time in which each student has a positive, nurturing relationship with caring adults and peers.
Element B: Teachers demonstrate an awareness of a commitment to, and a respect for multiple aspects of diversity, while working toward common goals as a community of learners.
Element C: Teachers engage students as individuals, including those with diverse needs and interests, across a range of ability levels by adapting their teaching for the benefit of all students.
Element D: Teachers work with families and/or significant adults in the lives of their students.
Reasoning Statement: Part of my introduction to Boltz was to see how they handled behavior, but also built relationships with students. Not only do they hold students accountable, but they also have students hold themselves accountable by having them take action for their behavior by writing a reflection on that. This helps teachers, administration, and students make sure that they are creating a brave space for student learning.
Reasoning Statement: Participating in a presentation by Brooks Ramsey, I was able to do a deeper dive into what it is like teaching English Language Developers, and how I can help them succeed in my class. Becoming comfortable teaching a variety of students helps them become comfortable, an express themselves in a brave space.
Reasoning Statement: In a presentation by Mary Richmond, I was able to learn how to create assignments goals that would be for a variety of different students in the classroom. By understanding who my students are individually, I am able to cater to their learning needs as a whole class.
Reasoning Statement: This flyer I created was hung up in the main hallways of Boltz Middle School and given to my mentor teacher before entering her classroom. This helped parents understand who I was, helped my mentor teacher know me before I came, and also gave them a way to contact me if they wanted to know me more. With Mrs. Griffith being a significant adult in these students lives, having her trust me in a professional manner would also have parents and students trust me as well.