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Minimalist Staircase

Quality Standard Three

Teachers plan and deliver effective instruction and create an environment that facilitates learning for their students.

Standard || Reflection:


Element A: Teachers demonstrate knowledge about the ways in which learning takes place, including the levels of intellectual, social and emotional development of their students.




Element B: Teachers use formal and informal methods to assess student learning, provide feedback, and use results to inform planning and instruction.​




Element C: Teachers integrate and utilize appropriate available technology to engage students in higher level thinking skills.​






Element D: Teachers establish and communicate high expectations and use processes, such as questioning, to support the development of critical thinking and problem-solving skills.​




Element E: Teachers provide students with opportunities to work in teams and develop leadership qualities.​




Element F: Teachers communicate effectively, making learning objectives clear and providing appropriate models of language.

Reasoning Statement:

Reasoning Statement: In this lesson, I was able to gage individual learner understanding through the use of Pear Deck while teaching students a new reading strategy. This also helped me understand where I should lead my next lesson when teaching students and help serve their needs best.

Reasoning Statement: While being in the middle of the pandemic, I created a mini lesson based around an activity called "Chalk Talk". While normally students would be moving around, I was able to incorporate technology while still having students work together and engage in deeper thinking. 

Reasoning Statement:

Reasoning Statement:

Reasoning Statement:

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