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While looking through advocacy, I’ve really noticed that there was not just “one way” of advocating something. People have different types of techniques, and they advocate for a variety of different things. The two websites that I chose to look at were Coalition of Essential Schools and National Alliance for Public Charter Schools. While both organizations stand for different things, it’s interesting to see the similarities that weave between them.
Charter schools are really interesting because while they do follow the standards set by the state, they have more freedom on how the things are taught since they are not a standard public school. For example, when I looked for charter schools in Fort Collins, I stumbled across Mountain Sage Community School. While they are a public charter school, so therefore they’re not paying fees and tuition like you would see at a private school or a private charter school, they do have this thing called a lottery, which is how new students hope to get into the school. It’s actually quite a common practice. While parents don’t have to pay thousands of dollars’ worth of fees, not every student is just allowed in. NAPCS is a non profit organization that helps improve state charter policy. With their policies, they are helping teachers actually able to run their classrooms, principles being able to run the school, and parents being able to choose what type of education their child has.
While this organization is no longer active as of March of 2017, CES was helping teachers creating more innovative and effective teaching for more than thirty two years. Even after their years of advocacy have ended, many schools are still using the core principles left behind; personalization, less is more: depth over coverage, learning to use one’s mind well, a tone of decency and trust, demonstration of mastery, democracy and equity and many more. CES wants the student to reach their highest potential, and they wanted to help teachers have the necessary tools for students to be able to do so. This organization would actually create schools with their common principles where students would start school and graduate from.
The thing that can be seen here is that regardless of what is being advocated for, the root reason is for the teachers and the students. It shows how many individuals in the education system are not getting the education they deserve and how we need to fix the large gaps that our system has.