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So as we come to a close on spring semester 2019, hell week is upon us. For me, and all other English majors I have talked to, it feels like this week is the worst one because all of these papers are being due. All projects are finishing up. It’s the craziest time in all of our lives.
What do I do to handle stress?
Sometimes I just have to push everything away and not deal with it. Sometimes that is the best thing to do because you need to just decompress and relax. It will be there when you get back to it. Listen to some music. Watch one episode of a show you’re really into (but don’t get into a show hole), or anything else you enjoy.
Sometimes I wish K-12 teachers would have had ways for us to handle stress a lot better. I remember a few of mine telling me to grow up and suck it up in a shortened sense. All adults have stress. We all have to go through stressful things so it’s not that big of a deal.
News flash: it is. It’s such a big deal to have great coping mechanisms and knowing how to properly deal with mental health. For you to be able to perform your best academically, you have to be able to be at your best emotionally too. Sometimes it’s hard, but you have to make time for yourself.
I want to always remind students to take time for themselves. I want to teach them how to balance their personal and academic lives. Just like how I need to learn how to balance my personal and professional life. It takes some time, but we have to do that to be in the right state of mind.