©2019 Hoetschie
Dear Sonia,
I think the interesting thing is that I originally never wanted to be a teacher. I mean, I remember always taking those dumb job tests or ‘career aptitude tests’ in school, and it would always lead me into careers such as nursing or teaching or things like that. And I’ve never really been good with people. I’m always too quiet or too shy and I’m honestly have always been too worried that me speaking up too much would cause an uproar because I have different feelings about things compared to others. I don’t see things in black and white; there’s grey in there too.
So I decided in middle school I was going to be a veterinarian. I love animals, I want to help them and save them too. I wanted to make a difference in the science community and be a researcher and other things. I wanted to make sure I could always support myself and my future family. Being in a science related field would always help that because science expands constantly.
So, why did I change my mind into teaching?
I had to have a deep heart to heart with myself my sophomore year of college. Classes weren’t going well and my adviser flatly told me that “my grades weren’t good enough for vet school”. While it hurt my feelings deeply (I mean, who wouldn’t be hurt by it), it was also the truth I needed to hear. I wasn’t happy in my field. I wasn’t enjoying my classes anymore. I was miserable with what I was doing. And sure, part of it could have been because the college wasn’t helping me succeed and guiding me like how you should be guided when you’re starting out your whole career, but it was a wake up call for me.
I’ve always loved English. I loved reading and writing and studying everything of the English language. Beyond the fact that it was easy for me, I just loved how much my world would be opened up. It was beautiful and exciting and everything I could want and more.
So why teaching? Why not being an editor or writing or other things?
Because regardless, I still want to make a difference in life. I want my work to matter and help better people. Why not better them by helping student, the future of our society, also become the best they can be? Why not help them have all the tools to have success, things I wished I had.