(c) 2020 Saja Stallings
1. Who did you work with?
Haley, Lauren and Abril
The videos I watched were Lauren and Haley.
2. What was your non-educational starting point?
We really just kind of did an "how are you doing" kind of check in. While at the point of this blog post I didn't see everyone's, Lauren got the new Animal Crossing game which has helped her out tremendously. I think all of us are just kind of taking things day by day; or at least, as much as you can be while the world is changing.
3. What did you learn from your classmates?
With Haley, I already have dipped my toes into Canva previously, so I already knew what she was talking about. However, it was cool to see how you can make all sorts of things such as business cards, logos, and things like that. There were also things that she had used that I hadn't quite used yet since I didn't need to at the time.
Lauren on the other hand, I got to learn a great deal about her tech choice in general. There were also bits and pieces of US history in there as well. I think it was just cool to see how this technology could fit a variety of students, and it can be transformed based on their needs. I think that is so important in the classroom, especially when you can have 30+ students per class.
4. How would you improve your next remote learning lesson?
For me, I think I would have liked to dive a little deeper into my tech discussion so I knew students understood what they were using more. In some ways, I did do a cop out with saying that "you have used this a few times before", though I was having troubles going more in depth when I already had a voice over for the lesson itself.
I would also like to understand the ISTE standards a bit more, because they still don't fully make sense to me. Why are we looking at these standards compared to common core? Or Colorado standards? I don't have a full comprehension on them and I would like to before the final project.
5. Other thoughts?
I think this project was great to be able to explore other tools to teach students. However, I think some of us were confused on if we were supposed to teach the tech tool in the Screencast or if we were supposed to introduce our lesson. For example, Lauren discussed heavily on her tech tool, while Haley and I more dived into the lesson. Which one were we supposed to do?
Overall though, I think these kinds of things can be useful, especially during pandemics like these. Or, if for some reason, students need other ways to learn besides the traditional classroom. They're very important to have.